Sharing my love of literacy

April 9, 2017

Happy Spring Break & Weekly Photos

YAY! I am on spring break for the next week. I am going to enjoy my stay-cation! I plan to read, nap, and read some more. I will throw some spring cleaning in there too!

It was been a busy few weeks. I was sick for the second time which was a bummer. NY had the state test in ELA. Glad that is DONE!

Here are some photos from my lessons:

I asked the library media specialist to help with a book tasting for one of the 5th grade classes I push into. It was a hit. The best part was students saying the found a book they would have never considered reading! 

The students wrote summaries using the academic vocabulary words from different articles. I modeled an example first so we could talk about how to find the best academic vocabulary words. 

I began a poetry unit with my 7th graders. I always begin with song lyrics. It hooks the kids. The students got a kick out of this song. 

The students chose their own word to "kill." It was powerful reading their thoughts. Here is just one example: 

As a way celebrate the beginning of spring break, the students has rotations for the afternoon. This was planned by the PBIS committee which I serve on this year. I was in charge of the reading room. I had some kids partner reading. It was a nice quiet way to begin spring break!


Happy Reading!