It has been a stressful school year. I will not take the time today to write about it.. maybe someday...
Anyway, I think the stress and lack of sleep has been effecting me because the other day I DELETED MY WHOLE BLOG!
It pretty much looked like this:
I went and did what any tech savvy person would do...
I googled "How to recover deleted blog posts?" and was lucky to find these tips:
Thankfully I have found some of my posts using these tips. I am slowly re-posting my favorites. It is interesting to go and see some of my posts and think "Yeah, I do not want to repost that."
I have not blogged since January. However, I did start this blog as a grad school project and have been posting on it for a long time. The MOST frustrating part is I do go back in my reading posts for ideas and to lose ALL THOSE POSTS is real kick in the pants.
I am trying to stay positive and remember one good thing which is the photos are all saved in google, so that is something!
I admit I have been using Instastories a lot more than blogging the past five months. Another positive.. no posts to recover from the past five months.
So if my blog looks to be missing something.... well.. it is!
I guess I have one summer project, now. Other than reading and sitting by the pool decompressing from this year!
Happy Reading