Sharing my love of literacy

August 1, 2018

Where has the time gone?

I use to be so good at posting on my blog. I have been on an Instagram and Twitter kick. I have had a busy few months. Once again, I am looking for a job and teaching summer school. With the arrival of August, I will have a month to unwind. I sure hope I have a position in September. I feel like I am getting too old for this yearly summer job search.  

Here are two pictures of what I have been doing: 

 Vacation by the Beach. . I WANT TO GO BACK!

 First day of teaching summer school
Reading on my backyard patio as much as possible this summer! 

Well, blog friends... until next time! 

Happy Reading!

May 16, 2018

Here's the Proof

Here is a screen shot of the number of posts I had prior to the Blog Post Deletion. It makes me SO SAD (and a little mad at myself, too)!

The Reading and Literacy post total is over 50. Oh, the humanity!

What Was I Thinking?

It has been a stressful school year. I will not take the time today to write about it.. maybe someday... 

Anyway, I think the stress and lack of sleep has been effecting me because the other day I DELETED MY WHOLE BLOG! 

It pretty much looked like this: 

I went and did what any tech savvy person would do... 

I googled "How to recover deleted blog posts?" and was lucky to find these tips: 

Thankfully I have found some of my posts using these tips. I am slowly re-posting my favorites. It is interesting to go and see some of my posts and think "Yeah, I do not want to repost that."

I have not blogged since January. However, I did start this blog as a grad school project and have been posting on it for a long time. The MOST frustrating part is I do go back in my reading posts for ideas and to lose ALL THOSE POSTS is real kick in the pants. 

I am trying to stay positive and remember one good thing which is the photos are all saved in google, so that is something! 

I admit I have been using Instastories a lot more than blogging the past five months. Another positive.. no posts to recover from the past five months. 

So if my blog looks to be missing something.... well.. it is! 
I guess I have one summer project, now. Other than reading and sitting by the pool decompressing from this year! 

Happy Reading 

January 1, 2018

Happy New Year !

I am happy to start a new year!

I have to say 2017 was a tough year for me for a lot of reasons. I was working in a job I loved, teaching reading all day - my dream job! Then February came and I had a health scare. This health issue created other concerns, so it has been a challenge health wise. I also had a car accident in June and then I was in a walking boot in September. With all of  these things, I would do my laps at the Y pool when I could. Being in the water helped with my stress. I love swimming! 

My job ended and I was unemployed at the beginning of the school year. I was lucky enough to be called for some interviews and I was hired for a part time position. My new job is different and now I am challenged in many ways. Learning common core math has been a daily struggle. I miss my friends from the past two years and I miss teaching reading all day. 

December came and some of the sweet students gave me gifts. I also did a secret Santa hoping to give myself a lift since work is stressful. Here is what I got from my Secret Santa:

Coffee = Happiness 

When December arrived I was happy to know I would have a week off to decompress and relax. I had a medical procedure where I had mostly good news. I spent time napping and reading. I was thrilled this crazy year was ending. 

2017 wasn't all bad! I went on two vacations. I taught some great kids to love reading. I enjoyed a relaxing summer, spent time with friends, and learned more about me. With all these joyous days, I am happy to see a new year begin. 

Here's hoping 2018 will be better than last year! 
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy Reading, too!