Sharing my love of literacy

November 1, 2017

What..... November

I've been so busy! 

Starting a new teaching job after the school year has already begun is HARD! I truly feel like a fish out of water... and I LOVE THE WATER! I am enjoying working with the 5th graders, which isn't a surprise to me because I taught them reading the past three years.


The math is SUCH A CHALLENGE!  

One of my jobs is to modify and teach the math curriculum. I am learning right along with the students. After spending the past 5 years focused on reading, this really is working my brain!

I have been teaching writing and reading to the students and when several students leave for AIS and Enrichment I have an hour 3 days a week where I plan lessons.

Here are a few random pictures. I have been so busy learning the new ways of a new school district, I have not had a lot of time to take photos. Plus I am working with another teacher in a classroom that isn't really mine.

I know from last year that the students learn figurative language in grade 5 ELA. I always start with alliteration. The kids love it and it's a great way to hook the kids into reading and writing poetry. 

I am so happy when it's writing because I get to teach the class these lessons. he classroom teacher prefers teaching the math and science. Perk for me.  We started a new writing unit. The students are researching a state and then going to write about it. I combined informational and persuasive. The kids have to entice me to want to visit their state.  I am using New York as a model because they studied it last year. They have 4 key categories they have to write about in their essays. These charts were from the Day one lesson. 

One sweet student made me a sign below which I have by my desk. This job is challenging for several reasons. Maybe someday I will write about it. When I get a note like this, it helps to see it on he difficult days. 

Below is a poster I used to teach the students how to write an intro paragraph. It comes from the book the school uses for writing units. 

Happy Reading! 

September 3, 2017

School Started.. and I am Jobless

I did not start the school year. I am feel frustrated because I am not teaching reading right now. Last year after being in a job for three years, I thought for sure, I would be back at the middle school.

On another note, I have been dealing with a severe foot sprain. I have always been a bit of a klutz and I slid on my wooden steps almost falling. I have been in a walking boot and it has not been fun. My DH made me throw out my flip flops. Oh how I love my flip flops, but I has slide on them twice prior, so I had to say good-bye.

I have an appointment tomorrow and I am hoping I can say good bye to the walking boot! 

I have had a few interviews for positions that popped up after school started. It's been a stressful few weeks with everything, but I keep telling myself... things could be worse. I have cousins in Houston and Florida where the hurricanes are right now!!! 

We all have out hill to climb (even in a boot)! 
Here's hoping for an upturn!

Happy Reading!

August 6, 2017

Happy August & Lots of Pics

Wait... What happened to July? The summer school program was great and the kids seemed to enjoy it. We did a marine study during the 4 week program. 

Here are a ton of photos from the class:


We invited another class for a book sharing: 

Last day reflections from the kiddos:

Summer reading has ended for the kiddos. I continue to job hunt and enjoy the sun! 

Happy Reading! 

June 22, 2017

June 2017 and Vacation

The year ended and it was bittersweet. I loved my job this year teaching grades 5-7. Middle school really suited my personality. I can only hope I return next year. Every June I clean out a classroom and play the summer waiting game to see where I will be in September. I have been doing this for a long time and it never gets any easier! 

Left by a 5th grade student!


Right after the school year ended the DH and I went on vacation. It was the most relaxing vacation. It helped us both recharge. I have one more week until I work in the summer reading program. It will be a nice 4 week program teaching reading three days a week which is just enough teaching time to still feel like I am on summer break. 

Vacation Photos: 

 How I'll spend my summer mornings: 


Happy Reading!

May 28, 2017

Weekly Photos for May

I am still teaching! We are plugging along in New York. On a personal note I have had an uneventful week. When school ends I will have a much needed two weeks to relax before I work the summer school program for reading.

I have been reading the debates from Scholastic's Storyworks Magazine. The kids love talking about both opinions. It's a great way to end teaching reading with the 5th graders! 
We also have done some vocabulary work with the most common words that kids screw up in their writing. They always mess up their,they're and there. 

Here are a few pics from those lessons:

 On the back of the paper, the students had to write their own sentences.
I had students write their favorites on the white board. 

I had to substitute teach in the 5th grade classroom I push into for reading. It was fun. Every time I teach the class, I miss having my own room and kids. I did a fun lesson where the kids had to answer a question on a post it note: 

I went to a local book sale. The books were 1.00. I also stopped at Barnes and Nobles with a gift card. I am getting my summer reading pile ready:

The students choose a book that was not a movie a few weeks ago. I talked about the antagonist during a reading lesson so they could make Most Wanted Villain posters: 

I am so impressed with their creative results. 

I made a PowerPoint of six of the best posters for the other 5th grade class I work with when I push in for reading. The current class will bring in their posters this coming week because it was an at home assignment. It is interesting to see how two different classrooms do lessons and reading in different ways. I can't wait to see how they do with this project. 

I have 18 days of teaching left. I have mixed feelings about it. This happens every year because I do not have my forever school job. I have been a year long temporary teacher for the last 3 years. I love being in middle school. I hope I get to go back next year! 

I hope everyone enjoys their three day weekend! 
Happy Reading! 

April 9, 2017

Happy Spring Break & Weekly Photos

YAY! I am on spring break for the next week. I am going to enjoy my stay-cation! I plan to read, nap, and read some more. I will throw some spring cleaning in there too!

It was been a busy few weeks. I was sick for the second time which was a bummer. NY had the state test in ELA. Glad that is DONE!

Here are some photos from my lessons:

I asked the library media specialist to help with a book tasting for one of the 5th grade classes I push into. It was a hit. The best part was students saying the found a book they would have never considered reading! 

The students wrote summaries using the academic vocabulary words from different articles. I modeled an example first so we could talk about how to find the best academic vocabulary words. 

I began a poetry unit with my 7th graders. I always begin with song lyrics. It hooks the kids. The students got a kick out of this song. 

The students chose their own word to "kill." It was powerful reading their thoughts. Here is just one example: 

As a way celebrate the beginning of spring break, the students has rotations for the afternoon. This was planned by the PBIS committee which I serve on this year. I was in charge of the reading room. I had some kids partner reading. It was a nice quiet way to begin spring break!


Happy Reading!